Four Things to Consider When Deciding Whether to Repair or Replace Your Air Conditioner

9 January 2023
 Categories: , Blog

It's always difficult and stressful when your air conditioner breaks down, especially if you don't know whether to pay for a repair or simply get a new system. This guide explains four things to think about when making the choice between repairing and replacing.

Consider the Age of Your Air Conditioning System

The first, and most simple, thing you should do is to consider the age of your air conditioning system. Review Home Warranties explains that homeowners typically need a new air conditioner installed every 15-20 years, though it can be less if the system was very cheap. If you feel like your system is coming to the end of its life, it might be time to have a new one installed. This will let you benefit from new technology, cheaper bills and a more efficient air conditioner.

Think About Your Air Conditioner's Repair and Maintenance History

Next, think about your air conditioner's repair and maintenance history. If your air conditioner badly needs a lot of expensive maintenance and is breaking down and requiring repairs multiple times a year, it might be a good idea to simply replace it. However, if it's only broken a few times prior to now, and you've kept on top of maintenance and regular servicing, a repair might be a good idea. Take an honest look at how much you've spent on repairs, and if there's any regular maintenance that might reduce their frequency.

Think About Your Bills

You should also look at your bills, and how much your AC system costs to run. Do you feel like the costs have gotten out of control over the years? In that case, you might benefit from a new system, which will run more efficiently and save you money in the long run. However, a sudden increase in costs might be attributable to a problem such as a leak, which can be fixed for less than the cost of a new unit.

Ask a Professional for Their Honest Opinion

Finally, it's a good idea to ask an air conditioning expert for their opinion on your AC system. They can take a detailed look at its age, condition, how much maintenance it needs and how efficiently it is working. Ask for an honest estimate of how many more years it might last, and how much it would cost to repair any parts that are wearing out. By talking to an expert and asking questions, you can get a good insight on whether to repair or replace.

By thinking about your system's age, condition and costs, and speaking to an aircon installation expert, you can make an informed decision. Find an expert providing aircon services in your area to get started. 

For more information about aircon system services, contact a local company. 
